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主题的留言: Tradeskills-300

帖子总数: 3
注册: 2022/3/14
已发表: 2023/5/1 下午10:33


And while I am on a roll =). How bout update the Tradeskill Values to show 300-350.

Thnx for your attention!


帖子总数: 11418
注册: 2001/5/4
已发表: 2023/5/6 下午11:34

Thansk for reporthing this, I will have a look very soon !

帖子总数: 11418
注册: 2001/5/4
已发表: 2024/1/29 下午10:03

So finally had time to dig into this one.

It's a pretty interesting issue. We are correctly increasing the cap of the tradeskills from the AAs and we are correctly reading the values which actually stop at 300.

The thing is the game introduced a completely different system on how you get points past the 300 which has to do with how many qualifying recipes you know and compute extra points up to 50 from there.

I know how the system works but I navigate a bit blindly because I dont have access to a character who has a tradeskill value past 300 nevertheless I should be able to take a stab at this fairly soon.

Doing so, I will see how I can also assist people with an understanding on how many recipes they know and which ones so we can focus on the remaining ones to raise their tradeskills.

帖子总数: 1646
注册: 2001/8/31
已发表: 2024/2/2 上午9:12

This is a good site to help folks figure out which recipes they are missing, and how many more to get to 350.

You run a command such as "/output recipes baking" in-game, and then upload that from your EverQuest folder to this website.

Also, reading the recipe books in PoK and other places will yield recipes which count towards the climb to 350.

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001