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主题的留言: Java

帖子总数: 172
注册: 2012/2/17
已发表: 2015/8/13 下午5:31

Any plans on a Non-Java version or is there a way? I want to use this site more and support you but I have no plans on installing Java... It and Flash are the two things I do not install.


To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

帖子总数: 4235
注册: 2006/2/8
已发表: 2015/8/13 下午11:10

Sorry but in order to use Magelo Sync, you need Java installed on your computer.
We don't plan to work on a non-java version ATM. It will not be trivial and we don't have the ressources right now to work on such project.

帖子总数: 172
注册: 2012/2/17
已发表: 2015/8/14 上午9:33

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

帖子总数: 11395
注册: 2001/5/4
已发表: 2015/10/20 下午1:47

I would add that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Java itself. The bad publicity it got on the security front came exclusively from something very specific called 'Applet' which is java code running in your browser. You can safely install Java and disable those applets.