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主題的留言: Unable to Retrieve Character Status

帖子總數: 70
註冊: 2002/4/9
已發表: 2012/6/25 上午10:14

I get this when I try to update. I have magelo premium. I re-downloaded the client but it still gives me this error message.


帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2012/7/3 上午3:59

We are working on the update of Magelo Sync to support Rift Update 1.9 and the first hotfixes already applied. As soon as it's done, you will be able to try again.
Please keep an eye on the homepage news where we will post an update.

帖子總數: 20
註冊: 2012/7/16
已發表: 2012/8/24 上午4:31

I have the same problem!!
Help are needed

帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2012/8/24 上午4:40

Hello aiornieu,
Could you please try again and post the log file of Magelo Sync? It will help us to better understand what is going on. When the error occurs, press "ctrl + shift + L" to get the log, keeping the focus on Magelo Sync. Then copy its content in your reply. Thank you.