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主題的留言: Foraged Items

帖子總數: 8
註冊: 2013/5/23
已發表: 2013/5/23 下午12:51

Example: http://eq.magelo.com/item/14954/Cinnamon-Sticks

Please provide a way to indicate what zone the items are foraged from, plus the fact that they are foraged.

Maybe similar to your Dropped tab on items, make a Foraged tab and list the zones?


帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2013/5/23 下午11:46

Hello imukai,
We need to look if we can find this information in the game with Magelo Sync.
We will keep you posted.
Thanks for the suggestion!

帖子總數: 194
註冊: 2008/3/27
已發表: 2013/5/25 上午3:27

I run a forager when I cant find a exp group or just bored soloing on my necro or such. Please let me know if running Magelo Sync would see where/what I foraged. I would be more then happy to run it on my forage toon (I normally only run magelo sync when on my main (cleric) or my necro (box). But if foraging shows up from sync I would be more then happy to run it on my forage bot also.


Please message me if you need me to test it out for ya.

CaRnon the Fabled Cleric
Realm of Insanity - Xegony
EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator

帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2013/5/28 上午1:55

Thank you Carnon. We need first to work on implementing this feature in Magelo Sync.
We will let you know when it's ready for test.

帖子總數: 11418
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2013/5/28 下午10:26

The tricky thing about foraging is that the foraged item appears on your cursor and there is many ways to end up with an item on your cursor...

So I would not say it's impossible but currently we cant. I will keep this in mind and I hope we can address this in the future.