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主題的留言: Magelo sigs not working on RIFT forums

帖子總數: 1
註冊: 2013/6/9
已發表: 2013/7/2 上午11:03

I believe the problem lies in their targeting system. They cannot read an address of http://rift.. They are asking for an address of http://www..

Is it possible to change the http://rift.. address to a http://www.. and keep the dynamic nature of the signature?

帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2013/7/2 下午11:14

Hi jhk511,

Unfortunately this is not the issue. Trion removed the option to allow Image BB code for your forum signature to prevent abuse from players who link really big images instead of respecting the forum settings. We asked many times Trion to reconsider this changes as our signature respect the size allowed but even if they said they will work on something, nothing happened.

Anyway, you can still build your sig on Magelo, save the image on your computer and upload it on the Rift forum settings. You can also add a link on top of the image to your profile. The signature will not update automatically as it was before, but it's better than nothing.

The code would be like that: