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主題的留言: rift.exe has been patched error

帖子總數: 5
註冊: 2015/7/7
已發表: 2016/1/11 下午11:12

I just downloaded Magelo Sync for the first time and installed it.
I get the subject error but according to the forums Magelo Sync has already been patched for this version of Rift.
Am I missing something?
I'm running Magelo Sync 4.4.1
I have both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the latest Java installed and am running Windows 10 x64.

Thanks for the help

帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2016/1/13 上午5:14

Hi Rutte,

The issue has been fixed. You should have no problem to sync your character now.
Thanks for reporting the issue!