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主題的留言: Main Character shows as alt in guild roster

帖子總數: 3
註冊: 2002/12/27
已發表: 2021/9/28 下午9:14

My main character is Plumpi in guild Inverse Logic, Luclin server. On the My Characters page, it shows as the Main character. But if you look at the Inverse Logic roster and sort by mains, I don't show up. I only appear in the roster if I sort by alts.

帖子總數: 1639
註冊: 2001/8/31
已發表: 2021/9/30 下午1:58

Yeah, I don't really know what the "Status" filter means. "Rank" clearly indicates your position within the guild itself, but I am unsure what Alt means, unless you are tagged as Alt in the guild when it was last synchronized... you know, the little 'A' / checkbox within the Guild Management window? I am 98.2% sure that's what it is indicating.

Ensure you aren't marked with 'A' and sync again, perhaps?

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001

帖子總數: 3
註冊: 2002/12/27
已發表: 2021/9/30 下午5:28

Just double checked and no, not tagged as an alt in IL's in-game guild roster.

Only other thing I can think to add is that prior to joining IL, my Bard was listed as my Main in my Magelo profile. When I joined IL with my zerk, I switched the main status from the Bard to the Zerk here on Magelo. In-game, the bard and the zerk are in 2 different guilds and, ideally, I'd want each to display as 'Main' in their respective guild rosters here on Magelo. IDK if magelo supports that functionality to have 2 mains.

帖子總數: 1639
註冊: 2001/8/31
已發表: 2021/10/12 下午8:26

You can definitely have multiple "mains" on your magelo character list – but that wouldn't impact how they are displayed in the guild they are in.

Jelan would have to look at your account / sync maybe to see what's going on.

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001

帖子總數: 11401
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2021/10/26 下午9:02

Hi thespar,

Ya something is off, your character should be in the guild member list, let me have a look and I will get back to you.