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主題的留言: The Eye of the World

帖子總數: 4
註冊: 2008/8/17
已發表: 2008/8/20 下午6:11

Okay this book series by Robert Jordan has been out for a long while. If you are a fan or EQ or WoW and love to read, this is a series that is much recommended as it will take you into a realm quite similar to these games.
There are currently 11 books in the series but sadly Robert Jordan passed away a year ago while writing the last book of the series and it is currently in editing after being completed by members of his family.
But with that said, if you have never had the pleasure of reading these acclaimed best selling novels get your butt to the bookstore and buy them!


帖子總數: 1
註冊: 2008/9/13
已發表: 2008/9/13 下午5:12

The Series it self is call " The Wheel of Time " . The name of the first book is simply Eye of the World. So for any out there wanting to find the series this may help you out some in locating it

帖子總數: 1
註冊: 2008/9/21
已發表: 2008/9/21 下午11:57

I agree completely. This series sucks you into a very detailed world. It has just enough unique aspects to keep you interested and enough basis in the familiar that it doesn't all seem too alien at first.

Of course by the time you are on book 5 if you talk about it to someone who hasn't read it, they'll think yer nuts! (all the more reason to read the series!)

I'm looking forward to the last book. Its being finished by Brandon Sanderson

Robert Jordan's wife hand picked him to complete the project. You can read Brandon's blog to see where he's at in the writing.


帖子總數: 4
註冊: 2008/8/17
已發表: 2008/10/8 上午6:35

Derr, that's right, when I posted this I was rereading the series and was on book 1, now I am on book 11 for the 2nd time and am anxiously waiting for book 12


帖子總數: 20
註冊: 2008/10/1
已發表: 2008/10/8 上午10:43
