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主题的留言: Pallytanks - discuss :)

帖子总数: 4
注册: 2008/6/24
已发表: 2008/9/22 下午9:23

anyone have any pally tanks in their guild ? and fellow tankadins do you have to fight to get your tanking place?

Torillien - Tankadin - Class Leader - WebMaster - Forum Admin : www.kingdomofshush.com

帖子总数: 5
注册: 2008/10/6
已发表: 2008/10/7 上午11:24

Yes I have a pala tank in my guild. Is there any serious raiding guild out there which doesn't?

There are so many encounters that are just such a pain in the butt without a pala tank. Couldn't imagine not having one. <3

My own baby tankadin is lvl 26 hehe.


Baby Rogue

帖子总数: 1
注册: 2008/8/30
已发表: 2008/10/7 下午2:31

I switch back and forth between tanking and healing.
Whichever is needed at the time


帖子总数: 20
注册: 2008/10/1
已发表: 2008/10/8 上午10:42



帖子总数: 5
注册: 2008/6/20
已发表: 2009/2/15 上午3:54

I'm ret atm, but have a full tier7/7.5 prot set and though we've had some moves nerfed like "Salv" only lasting 10secs making it pretty useless now. The fact that my Spell power scales with Stam through talents is great. No more stacking spell power for tps - Ultimately i think this change in our our threat generation has made us better tanks all around. Though any tank can aoe tank if skilled enough - Pallys are still hands down the best aoe tanks making us a must in many instances and raids (Escpecially in raids like naxx where everything is undead/demon Opening up a whole arsenal of threat generating moves ie. exorcism and holy wrath)


帖子总数: 2
注册: 2009/3/11
已发表: 2009/3/11 下午4:04

we might still have the edge, but every tank in lich king now has AoE abilities and DKs are right behind us. Paladin tanks have come a long way since BC. It also really boils down to the skill of the player behind the class. All classes are now capable of being the "MT". There is no specific class that can do it all while the others are only gimmick encounters. I have MT as a prot pally since BC clearing up to Brut in sunwell MTing and up to 3 drakes in this current expac. I have yet to meet one tank outside of my class that can keep up with my tps on single target. Only my DK off tank can come close to me on aoe/multiply add encounters. I felt the need to post this, b/c i just have the feeling that this thread is going to run into how we are so needed for the gimmick fights and how on boss fights with adds we are the only ones capable. I raise the BS flag on this. For example to justify my bold statement, the OS 3 drake encounter, a great warrior player is a more effective add tank then a pally is. Vigilance on the MT causes them to have an endless taunt with no GC. Making them easy to pick up any lose adds. But once again this comes down to player and not class. Use your most effective tanks but measure in a level of skill before relying on class. Paladins are no longer "Gimmick" tanks. They are just as capable and in alot of cases alot better then the other 3 tanks at the moment. But judge for yourself.

帖子总数: 2
注册: 2009/3/11
已发表: 2009/3/11 下午4:06

ezblaze, if your starting pulls with exorcism, then you really need to learn how to play your toon b/c its obvious you don't know our tanking rotation at all.

帖子总数: 1
注册: 2009/7/3
已发表: 2009/7/3 下午6:16

I think a pally tank is fun to play but when it comes to pure tanking people want to rely on a true meatshield, aka warrior. They are awesome in small groups though and can help take some pressure off the clerics.

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