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主题的留言: Auto-complete database links & latest comments

帖子总数: 4235
注册: 2006/2/8
已发表: 2011/8/1 上午2:33

Auto-complete database links

We just added a new feature to illustrate easily your forum post and comment with database links, in Magelo but also in any other website where our tooltips are used

Whenever you want to insert a link on an item, npc or anything from the database, just type the beginning of its name and press Ctrl+Space to auto complete the link. You will automatically get the link with the tooltip added in your post.

Database latest comments

You can now access all the Latest comments on the database! A direct link is available from the left menu, in the Community section. Add your contribution to the community now providing your own comment, in order to build together a better database outside of the game!

帖子总数: 84
注册: 2003/1/17
已发表: 2011/8/1 上午7:32

Okay well lets see

Very nifty indeed