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> > > Allow changing of the level manually on identity card

主題的留言: Allow changing of the level manually on identity card

帖子總數: 29
註冊: 2002/6/25
已發表: 2015/10/21 上午5:52

Some people think magelo is a security risk so they try to maintain a manual profile. So either
1) Allow the change of level manually in the system or
2) Allow other people sync to change the level of the guild mates in the magelo update (The same way as you change the ranks in the guild etc).

帖子總數: 11420
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2015/10/23 上午3:42

Hi Deillusional,

The issue is people have been brainwashed by the propaganda around the security issues that Java has been plagued with, without realising that the security issues are nothing to do with Java by itself, only a Java technology called 'Applet' that run in your browser.

You can install Java and disable applets all together, which is something I would indeed advise anyone to do, and I believe all browsers actually do that by default now. But other than that, Java is perfectly safe and secure.

Magelo Sync being a desktop application (not an applet at all) is then naturally, perfectly safe as well.

帖子總數: 29
註冊: 2002/6/25
已發表: 2015/10/23 上午5:08

I understand this others don't. Could you at least set the default profile level to be the current game max level as a comprimise?

帖子總數: 24
註冊: 2003/3/13
已發表: 2015/10/23 上午9:13

The root issue here is those users' unfounded fears. The solution is education.

帖子總數: 11420
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2015/10/27 上午3:31

Could you at least set the default profile level to be the current game max level as a compromise?

Not sure I understand what you are asking given the identity card of the profile is synced and that is the only way to update it...

As Dafloppy said, best to educate those people so they dont fear Java as a whole.