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主題的留言: Question on data collection

帖子總數: 3
註冊: 2012/1/27
已發表: 2012/1/27 下午3:36

I have been collecting data on mob loot for a research project, and came across the Magelo database. This is very useful. I was wondering if there was a way to get a copy of the data I collect. Then I could start a session, kill a couple of hundred rats and see their loot distribution.

I understand that my data is uploaded to the database at some point, and this is good. But I would really like to filter out other people's for my personal use. One of the things I'm looking at is estimating drops per hour. My current process is very labor intensive (and time consuming).

I am killing everything in a zone at least 100x, so my sync'd data should be of interest.

帖子總數: 35
註冊: 2001/11/10
已發表: 2012/1/31 下午1:58

yes it may be interesting to know how to collecte data i use to be online for some hour killing same named again and again for alt and guildy ; that maybe can help too )

帖子總數: 11402
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2012/2/3 上午4:04

You only need to keep the loot window open for a second or 2 to let Magelo Sync see it. I recently test it like in butcher block and was able to contribute to the database just fine... I basically did the following:
  1. Target a skeleton
  2. Use the related from Magelo Sync to open the NPC detail page and look at the loot stats
  3. Kill the skeleton
  4. Open the loot window
  5. Wait for a second or 2
  6. Loot all
  7. Sync my character to force Magelo Sync to send its loot observation
  8. Refresh the NPC details page and the loot stat info should have changed

Can you please try the above in a plain old zone and then in a new VoA zone ? I suspect that maybe the issue is only happening somehow in certain zones...

Thanks !

帖子總數: 3
註冊: 2012/1/27
已發表: 2012/2/3 下午6:24

Just to be clear: I am interested in statistics for my session only. I suppose I could dig through the log, but then I'd need to actually loot stuff.

Magelo's percent of loot (while great info) is not a measure of the likelihood of an item dropping. I am trying to calculate the expected number of drops per hour, among other similar things.

帖子總數: 11402
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2012/2/13 上午5:57

Magelo's percent of loot (while great info) is not a measure of the likelihood of an item dropping

Why is that ? Can you elaborate a little bit ? Thanks !