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主題的留言: One thing would be a great improvement

帖子總數: 1
註冊: 2012/8/10
已發表: 2012/12/19 下午12:40

That would be to have the source of mats referenced.

We have 'Found' references (for drops and 'pickups' in the environment), but no sourcing references as to Prospecting or Runebreaking.

So if I want to find what Blood Berylite comes from, I would a tab there on what type of Crafting Material it comes from. Or what does Cobalt Ore break down into?

帖子總數: 11406
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2012/12/21 上午11:14

Hi skeezie,

Theoretically, sources coming from mining or other prospecting tradeskill should be handled so gems should have their sources just right. I gonna double check to see if somehow this does not work anymore...

As for runebreaking, I will look into how we could envision supporting this so it does show up as a source of obtaining an item.