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主題的留言: Update Manual Keys and Flags

帖子總數: 15
註冊: 2011/1/24
已發表: 2013/3/27 上午9:19

May I request the checkoffs be brought to current ROF?

帖子總數: 11399
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2013/3/27 上午11:43

Honestly I am wondering if we shouldn't remove all of this entirely, it seems to me that once we have the achievements, it should be enough to let people know where you are on the content progression.

I never liked that people had to deal manually with so many checkboxes...

帖子總數: 16
註冊: 2003/11/27
已發表: 2013/7/30 下午6:41

I am going through some things and noticed this post from March, and am wondering if they are going to discontinue the keys were is the achievements in the Magelo profile? Or are these going to be updated? I see it can be done manually, so I suspect there is not a way to sync the info. Though I do like the idea of achievements showing more than flags and keys if it goes one way or the other.

-Spiderr Bight
I'm crazy you say? I say crazy like a Xof!