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主題的留言: Magelos Backgrounds

帖子總數: 1
註冊: 2012/11/8
已發表: 2013/7/7 上午10:57

Heya -

I'm sure that this has been mentioned by someone before, but didn't stumble across it...

It would be awesome to be able to view Multiple Backgrounds that change automatically, (I suppose like a screen-saver), while you're viewing someone's magelo.

It would certainly add more "life" and would just be a lot of fun.

Thanks so much!

帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2013/10/7 下午8:14

Hello Earthrider2272,

Sorry for our late feedback on your suggestion.
I will see if we can do it. I agree with you, it could be nice
I will keep you posted!

帖子總數: 1638
註冊: 2001/8/31
已發表: 2013/10/16 上午11:58

I have not tried it, but is it possible to link an animated .gif, perhaps?

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001