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主題的留言: On why your Subs are way down.

帖子總數: 2
註冊: 2016/2/7
已發表: 2016/2/20 下午3:17

Because it takes you over a week for you to patch Magelo to match the current EQGame.

Nobody will pay for a service that it takes a week to work.

Just saying.

帖子總數: 11395
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2016/3/23 上午3:16

Hi Cikati,

While it's true that we got a few hiccups recently where patches took longer than usual, on average we patch EQ within 48 hours of a game patch which happens every month. So overall the downtime is quite minimal.

So I would be honestly surprised if that would actually be the root cause...