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主題的留言: Need some help with Windows 10 and Magelo Sync

帖子總數: 4
註冊: 2002/6/12
已發表: 2016/3/24 上午11:32

OK it seems the computer fairy came and changed my windows 7 professional to Windows 10 overnight. I noticed windows 10 does not seem to be supported with this program Windows 7, 8, and Vista are .
That being the case when will you add windows 10 to the supported desktop software to be able to run the auto update feature?

帖子總數: 11418
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2016/3/25 上午6:23

Hi Thorgard,

Magelo Sync is working just fine with Windows 10. What issue exactly are you seeing ?