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主題的留言: Sharing My Inventory view

帖子總數: 2
註冊: 2017/12/18
已發表: 2017/12/18 下午12:52

Is there any way to share the My Inventory view for a specific character? Looking for the nice list of item, count, tooltip etc. I tried changing the status to Guild Mule but that only removed it. The Agnarr server doesn't have the guild bank concept yet (nor do I recall when that came into play in EQ). Was looking to have a friendly way to expose our guild banker loot to the other members. Thanks

帖子總數: 44
註冊: 2007/7/14
已發表: 2018/2/16 下午3:39

Can you use the one just below your character's name in 'My characters' ?

Here is what mine looks like,

javascript:openProfile(' https://eq.magelo.com/profile/3104129')

'through the thorns to the stars' Ghost in the Shell anime