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主題的留言: Reset game slot

帖子總數: 2
註冊: 2011/10/30
已發表: 2022/12/26 下午6:39

I accidentally synced an alt on another account because I had auto sync running. This was over a year ago I, I think.. I deleted the character under My Characters and now have the character I want to sync only showing up. When I run the Magelo Sync, it still says I used up my slots. Is there some way to reset this or how long do I have to wait for my once a year slot to open? Is it the 1st of the year?

帖子總數: 11402
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2022/12/28 上午3:06

Hi Catinthehats,

I have reset your gameslot. For non premium user, you cant really free your game slot yourself, once you are premium, it's indeed once a year and can be accessed in the "My account" section.

帖子總數: 2
註冊: 2011/10/30
已發表: 2022/12/28 下午3:35

Oh, okay. Thank you so much! I appreciate it.