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主題的留言: Season’s Greetings!

帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2010/12/17 上午12:50

Traumatized over the kidnappings and various other shenanigans that the evildoers of Norrath have always carried out during this season for the past few years, Santug Claugg has become depressed and declared Frostfell cancelled this year. It’s up to you, adventurers, to save this holiday! The Frostfell event begun on December 8th, 2010 and will end on January 8th, 2011. Visit the Plane of Knowledge to get started on Operation: Jolliness and gather some holiday cheer!

To celebrate this end of the year, our holiday special offer is back! Subscribe now for 1 year Premium and get 3 extra months free! This offer lasts until 15 January 2011 so you have plenty of time to enjoy it before it runs out.

While you attempt the quests to bring back the cheerful Santug Claugg, you can also add some festive spirit outside the game! Why don't you decorate your character profiles, signatures and avatars with the X-mas themed backgrounds available in our gallery? New background images have been added to keep things fresh so take a look in the Customize section of My characters to try them out!

Finally, as a little holiday gift, we created especially for you a X-mas desktop wallpaper. It’s available in different sizes, so just pick the one that fits your screen resolution!


We wish you all a happy holiday