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主題的留言: SOE "Make Good Program"

帖子總數: 324
註冊: 2002/11/3
已發表: 2011/5/13 上午1:10

Some information and updates on Sony's plan to "Make Good" with the communities.

Official Release

EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
Necrotalk Admin
EQ Traders Super Moderator

帖子總數: 48
註冊: 2004/7/19
已發表: 2011/5/14 上午12:29

Some folks in my guild are already saying it's not enough / not what they wanted. lol

Personally I just want the services back online. I miss guildchat hehe

Semi-retired warrior of Povar

帖子總數: 84
註冊: 2003/1/17
已發表: 2011/5/15 上午6:40

They should be cutting a deal with Magelo to give us an extra 15 days on our Subs

But be honest I dont know what the whingers are whinging about, I guess it is the "I want something for nothing" world we all seem to be living in


帖子總數: 75
註冊: 2001/10/11
已發表: 2011/5/16 上午11:59

What people are whinging at is not the fact that the Servers were down, but more the fact that the lack of Server Security was KNOWN but they did nothing about it until they were hacked.