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主題的留言: tool tip to show augmented item

帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2001/12/15
已發表: 2011/10/24 上午4:14

First of all, I love your tooltips thing that allows easy display of items on mouseover. One thing that would make it really nice is if there was a way to display an item with that's augmented. On my page, I have an html sequence similar to
<span rel="eq:item:16257">Signet of the Arcane</span>
and when the mouse goes over it, it pops up the display for the signet. But that signet is augmented with Warpower Stone (#46639). It'd be nice to have html code like
<span rel="eq:item:16257+46639">Signet of the Arcane</span>
that would show a popup with the stats from both the earring and the augment.

帖子總數: 4235
註冊: 2006/2/8
已發表: 2011/10/26 上午12:00

Hi newkus and thank you for your message
Yes, we should be able to let you customize the link to add the augment.
We will keep you posted!

帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2001/12/15
已發表: 2011/11/22 下午9:30

I got to thinking that it may also be useful to include the character level so that for items with a recommended level, the stats could be set accordingly. Maybe something like
<span rel="eq:item:16257+46639:68">
to specify the level as 68 (not really pertinent for this particular item since it doesn't have a recommended level on it).

帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2001/12/15
已發表: 2012/3/23 上午5:05

I just noticed that when viewing your character's inventory on here that the tooltip for the equipment shows stats that already combine the item and the augment. Is that feature available as a tooltip from outside your website (e.g. our html page)?

帖子總數: 11402
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2012/4/3 上午2:48

This only happen inside the profile as we embed there all the necessary information to make it happen. We support what you are asking for in our other game channels so the framework is there, I just need to find some time and come up with a format to make it happen.

I will keep you posted soon as I really would like to get this done as well !

帖子總數: 11402
註冊: 2001/5/4
已發表: 2013/4/5 下午5:12

Bumping this as I will tackle this one very very soon !