> > > Getting Game Slots Full on accounts that are linked.

Messages dans le sujet: Getting Game Slots Full on accounts that are linked.

Nbr msg: 66
Enregistré: 24/12/2002
Ecrit le: 01/01/2022 03:11

I am premium and have 3 accounts linked. My main account and one of my secondary accounts are syncing just fine, however my 3rd account is giving the message that "my slots are full and that I need to upgrade."

Nbr msg: 66
Enregistré: 24/12/2002
Ecrit le: 01/01/2022 03:11

[19:57:52] [WARNING] Could not find: magelo-i18n []
[19:57:52] [INFO] Using magelo-i18n[en]
[19:57:52] [INFO] Using magelo-i18n[en_US]
[19:57:52] [INFO] Magelo Sync 4.6.4, Copyright (C) 2021 Magelo Limited
[19:57:52] [INFO] Windows 10 10.0 amd64
[19:57:52] [INFO] Java version 1.8.0_311
[19:57:52] [INFO] America/Chicago, en_US, windows-1252
[19:57:52] [INFO]
[19:57:53] [INFO] Services initialisation ...
[19:57:53] [INFO] Automatic user authentification...
[19:57:54] [INFO] User : Kaliaila (PREMIUM)
[19:57:54] [INFO] Game Slots : 0 free of 3
[19:57:54] [INFO] Starting services...
[19:57:54] [INFO] Starting service : Content Synchronizer
[19:57:54] [INFO] Starting service : Deadlock Hunter
[19:57:54] [INFO] The game EQ is already running.
[19:57:55] [INFO] Starting service : Game session seeker
[19:57:56] [INFO] New game session detected : eqgame.exe[10952]
[19:57:56] [INFO] New game session detected : eqgame.exe[16264]
[19:57:57] [INFO] Creating Everquest game monitor
[19:57:57] [INFO] Starting game monitor : EverQuest 3.9.5
[19:57:57] [INFO] Creating Everquest game monitor
[19:57:57] [INFO] Starting game monitor : EverQuest 3.9.5
[19:57:58] [INFO] [Char] Step -2
[19:57:58] [INFO] [Char] Step -2
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step -1
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 0
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 1
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 11
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 12
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 2
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 3
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 31
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 32
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 33
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step -1
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 0
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 1
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 11
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 12
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 2
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 3
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 31
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 32
[19:57:59] [INFO] [Char] Step 33
[19:58:00] [INFO] [Char] Step 34
[19:58:00] [INFO] [Char] Step 35
[19:58:01] [INFO] [Char] Step 34
[19:58:01] [INFO] [Char] Step 35
[19:58:06] [INFO] [Char] Step 36
[19:58:06] [INFO] [Char] Step 37
[19:58:06] [INFO] Shrouded: 0
[19:58:06] [INFO] [Char] Step 4
[19:58:06] [INFO] Auto Synchronization triggered for 'Xianzu'
[19:58:06] [INFO] Syncing character (Full) 'Xianzu'
[19:58:07] [INFO] [Char] Step 36
[19:58:07] [INFO] [Char] Step 37
[19:58:07] [INFO] Shrouded: 0
[19:58:07] [INFO] [Char] Step 4
[19:58:07] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[19:58:07] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[19:58:07] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[19:58:07] [INFO] New detected game objects : 2745
[19:58:13] [INFO] Game objects asked: 2
[19:58:14] [INFO] Sending observations
[19:58:14] [INFO] Xianzu has been synced successfully!
[19:58:14] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[19:58:14] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[19:58:14] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[19:58:14] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[19:58:15] [INFO] Auto Synchronization triggered for 'Shawman'
[19:58:15] [INFO] Syncing character (Full) 'Shawman'
[19:58:15] [INFO] Available game slots: 0
[19:58:15] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[19:58:15] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[19:58:15] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[19:58:15] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[19:58:15] [INFO] Sending observations
[19:58:54] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[19:58:54] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[19:58:54] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[19:58:54] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[19:58:54] [INFO] Sending observations
[20:00:50] [WARNING] Your game slots are full, you need to reset them or upgrade your account to sync this character.
[20:00:50] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[20:00:50] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[20:00:50] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[20:00:50] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[20:00:52] [INFO] Auto Synchronization triggered for 'Shawman'
[20:00:52] [INFO] Syncing character (Full) 'Shawman'
[20:00:52] [INFO] Available game slots: 0
[20:00:52] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[20:00:52] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[20:00:52] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[20:00:52] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[20:00:52] [INFO] Sending observations
[20:00:56] [WARNING] Your game slots are full, you need to reset them or upgrade your account to sync this character.
[20:00:57] [INFO] Syncing character (Full) 'Shawman'
[20:00:57] [INFO] Available game slots: 0
[20:00:57] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[20:00:57] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[20:00:57] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[20:00:57] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[20:00:57] [INFO] Sending observations
[20:00:58] [INFO] Auto Synchronization triggered for 'Shawman'
[20:00:58] [INFO] Syncing character (Full) 'Shawman'
[20:00:58] [INFO] Available game slots: 0
[20:00:58] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[20:00:58] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[20:00:58] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[20:00:58] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[20:00:58] [INFO] Sending observations
[20:01:24] [WARNING] Your game slots are full, you need to reset them or upgrade your account to sync this character.
[20:01:34] [INFO] Syncing character (Full) 'Shawman'
[20:01:34] [INFO] Available game slots: 0
[20:01:34] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[20:01:34] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 739
[20:01:34] [INFO] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.9.5) : 2006
[20:01:34] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[20:01:34] [INFO] Sending observations
[20:01:43] [WARNING] Your game slots are full, you need to reset them or upgrade your account to sync this character.

Nbr msg: 11418
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 04/01/2022 01:38

Hi Kaliaila,

I have resetted your game slots so you can start fresh with the enrollment of your game accounts. Don't forget that you can actually reset them yourself once during your membership in "My Account" section.

By the way, happy new year !

Nbr msg: 66
Enregistré: 24/12/2002
Ecrit le: 09/01/2022 22:57


Also, just for clarity, is that once per year/subscription cycle, or once ever?

Nbr msg: 11418
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 10/01/2022 01:22

Once per sub cycle but again generally speaking if you ask i will reset them for you, this is in place to prevent abusing the system which happened before this system was in place.