> > > Modifiers by aug type

Messages dans le sujet: Modifiers by aug type

Nbr msg: 4
Enregistré: 22/09/2004
Ecrit le: 12/09/2022 00:34

I use Magelo sync exclusively for the aug tables. I don't like EQs clunky aug management and Magelo makes it easier to pick the best slot for an upgrade.

However, I can sort by stat but I can not sort by aug type. Next to stat, add a drop down for aug type. Then I can select 5 and it leave out all augs that are not type 5.

Because that is what I am using Magelo for. When I get a new type 5, I look at the charts to see where to put my new type 5. All the Type 3, 4, 7/8 are clunky to look at.

Nbr msg: 11399
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 12/10/2022 03:37

Sound like a good idea, I will get that done soon, thanks for the feedback.

Nbr msg: 11399
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 26/10/2022 08:03

Done !

Nbr msg: 4
Enregistré: 22/09/2004
Ecrit le: 28/10/2022 13:14

Awesome! This is a great upgrade, and you implemented it so fast. Solid work!

I myself have all type 8 augs on my main, so the way it is now is working perfect for me. However, It may be beneficial to someday be able to pick 2 aug types, since 7 and 8 both use the same slots. Players may see a benefit from a combined search, but as it is now is great too.

Nbr msg: 11399
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 29/10/2022 02:22

Thanks for the feedback VumChanter !

Keep in mind that the filter works on the augment slot type not on the augment type itself since the starting point is the augment slots on your items.

We could try to do some special support for 7&8 so that whenever you select one of them it would actually shows both of them. If augment types 7&8 are completely interchangeable and can always fit either type 7 or type 8, this should probably work.

What do you think ?

Nbr msg: 4
Enregistré: 22/09/2004
Ecrit le: 01/11/2022 23:03

Those limitations make sense. Not all augs fit in both 7 and 8. Items only take either 7 or 8. Having a 7/8 option would be ideal, but the way you have it setup now should be a good solution without making things too complicated.