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主題的留言: Shadow Priest....Gear, Specs, Advice!

帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2008/9/16
已發表: 2008/9/16 下午10:38

I fugured there was a thread for Locks so I wanted to start one for shadow priests.

The one question that I have (since i'm not a tailor) is--what gear should i work for towards pre-Kara since I can't make myself shadoweave pieces?

I guess I'm just looking for a second best to get me good enough to be in Kara.

帖子總數: 41
註冊: 2008/4/26
已發表: 2008/9/17 上午12:08

Have you checked Kaliban's Loot Lists yet? They're pretty useful and gives you a general idea of what you can get for your character.

Kalibans Loot List

Then there's a character auditor at Be-Imba, which gives you a general idea of which BC end-game instances your gear will permit you to perform well in.

Character Auditor


帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2008/9/16
已發表: 2008/9/17 下午5:18


I'll take a look at them when I get a chance.

帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2008/9/16
已發表: 2008/9/18 下午8:30

Do you think it would be worth it for me to give up alchemy (currently 244) and become a tailor to have the SW pieces?

From what I understand it is better than tier 4 gear.

帖子總數: 41
註冊: 2008/4/26
已發表: 2008/9/18 下午11:37

I'd say going with cookie cutter builds isn't really a good idea. Your Alchemy might be more useful and profitable in the long term as Flasks/Potions are in great demand for raiders.

Your pre-Kara raid gear can be obtained by running Heroics or doing Battlegrounds for some 'welfare' S2 epics - they're not bad actually provided you gem/enchant them properly and you'll get better stats from those things than most blues. Some quests for the Shattered Sun Offensive do give Badges of Justice, so you can do those in addition to Heroics for Badge gear.

Heh, even though I'm giving all this advice I never did any of those things...I'm too busy levelling more alts trying to get them to 70 to be ready for WoTLK.

Of course, in the end, it's all your choice and your game. You can go with Tailoring if you have the gold/mats to level it up, and have those pieces crafted if you feel strongly about going that route, as being able to make isn't bad either.


帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2008/9/16
已發表: 2008/9/22 下午4:58

I get your point. I did decide to stick with alchemy. With the release of WotLK nearing I see that all that gear that I would work up tailoring for would be useless come lvl 71 when I get my first quest greens. That is if it works the same as the BC expansion.

Has anyone seen any previews for some of the WotLK gear? I haven't even done a search to look for it.

What do all the shadow priests think of the changes to the talent tree? I've heard of many that say they are going to put their priest up on the shelf and roll a lock. I plan to stick with it and see how it turns out.

帖子總數: 5
註冊: 2008/10/6
已發表: 2008/10/7 上午11:27

Did you know that there's an entire own forum dedicated to shadow priests? It's got all the information you'll ever need to know. Gear lists, guides, you name it.

http://shadowpriest.com/ is the place.


Baby Rogue

帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2008/9/16
已發表: 2008/10/16 下午12:17

Yeah i know about shadowpriest.com. I've been ther many times. My problem is I can't access that site from work during my lunch and breaks.

This site I can get to.


帖子總數: 9
註冊: 2008/9/16
已發表: 2008/10/16 下午12:40

I see a lot of discussion on other forums about the 51 talent for s'priests. Dispersion. I think its going to turn out to be a very useful talent. For instance, soloing/ leveling. We will be able to cast hard with less regard for mana conservation. Once we get low pop dispersion. If you didn't have enought to finish off who you were fighting because your OOM, well, now you have 36% of your mana again. If you pop it inbetween fights, combined with spirit tap and replenishment you should be back somewhere near max mana. Well, depending on your spirit and mana pool size.

Maybe I'm way off. So far this is what I see. I haven't tried it for pvp yet.

帖子總數: 1
註冊: 2009/4/1
已發表: 2010/7/19 下午8:05

Dispersion in PvP works like a charm. Combined with PwS, it is near to that of a pally bubble. Was able to get out of tight situations in BGs because of it. Apply DoTs and once the heat is too much for you to handle, disperse. You will get yourself healed plus get almost all your mana back. Use it at the right time and you're nearly invincible. Also very useful when you're the last one standing and outnumbered. Those few seconds dispersed will give your ally some time to catch up with you, heal and burn down your opponents.